Thursday, January 12, 2012


  So this month has been a real change in lifestyle for me. I have been put on bed rest to let my injured feet heal from over use and very poor choices in shoes. This summer I was on my feet alot working a job I loved. Walking on concrete with Crocs is not a good combination for middle aged feet. As a direct result of this, both  feet were damaged. Now the healing process needs to include NO WALKING!!!

  At first all I could think of was how wonderful it would be to dive into that huge pile of books on the shelf that I never seemed to get a chance to read. Hour after luxurious hour would be spent lost in another persons words and worlds. And I have had the pleasure of doing just this. But after awhile, the old eyes get tired, the backside gets numb and the patient gets restless.

  So----as a change of pace, I picked up my paints and started to watercolor. Years ago I had a few lessons and discovered that I had no artistic talent, but that I still loved this art medium. So off I went on an art adventure. I have LOVED it! The bright colors, the smell of the paint, the texture of the paper were just what I needed to give a little spark to my bed rest!

  So half way through my bed rest vacation I have to say I am enjoying myself. Books are being consumed, paintings are being created  and my feet are healing! I am going to purchase sensible, feet nurturing shoes next week, and make sure I do my exercises like the doctor ordered. But the minute I am allowed to drive I am heading to the art store downtown. I think this bed rest may have sparked my interest in painting again. Let's just hope these new shoes can also give me some artistic talent....  one can always hope!


  1. I can't wait to see your creations!

  2. Lynn-Yes, I would love to teach you some watercolor. You already sound like you love it so we are well on our way to having a star student!!! When you are ready, let me know. I have ongoing classes in my home. If you want to invite some friends, I can come up to your place and do a group class. Blessings on those feeties too!
