Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thankfulness revisited

Thankfulness list continues:

Sunday mornings
Waking up to a light dusting of snow on the ground
A puppy waiting at my bedroom door to greet me
The promises held in a new day

Thankful to be able to experience the wonderful gift called Nature that is all around me.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Isn't this a beautiful sight? This was taken last year on a trip I made to Holland during their world famous Tulip Festival! Words cannot describe how amazing this place was. Acres and acres of flowers as far as the eye could see. Incredible colors and designs with something more gorgeous around the next corner. I was memorized by the beauty.

  About this time of year I start to get antsy for spring. Colorado is not the place to live if you want an early spring. Snow is much more common in April here than in December. We can have a 65 degree day and then get a foot of snow overnight. Don't get me wrong---I love living in Colorado---but if I had unlimited resources I would move away for the months of March , April and May to a place that has REAL Holland.

So today I am going to look at my Holland pictures, and maybe go to my local grocery store and see if I can find a big bunch of tulips to bring home and put a little spring on my dining room table.

Thankful list for today:

Wonderful places to visit in this world
Memories to keep
Pictures to keep those memories alive
The promise of spring every year
Being content to wait for it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Piercing The Darkness Day

    Today is Piercing the Darkness Day. Participants are to leave encouraging words written on a slip of paper in a place where someone who needs them will find them. It is to be done anonymously, and with much stealth. The premise is to Pierce the Darkness with kind, encouraging words that we could all use.  I am in! I can always use some encouragement and kindness. And to my shame, it seems like I hold back on doing this for others thinking that they will view me as being insincere or corny. Well the heck with that! I am going to see how many people I can encourage today. Who is in?

Thankfulness List

Fresh snow blanketing the forest.
Homemade peach jelly
Glasses that help me to see
The anticipation of getting my shoe inserts today so I can walk painlessly
Cozy fires
Sleepy smiles
The smell of fresh brewed coffee
Seed catalogs in the heart of winter
Amaryllis and paper whites blooming in the bay window while the snow is falling outside

Monday, January 16, 2012

The List continues

Thankful for:

My baby son's 15th birthday today
Chocolate Funny Cake
Tiny little brown birds at the feeder
Wind that sounds like the ocean
Long chats on the phone with a kindred spirit
Sons that kiss me goodbye before leaving for work
The words "I love you" said at each parting
Great smelling shampoo
The ability to walk without searing pain
The realization that everything is going to be ok

Today I venture out on a full day away from my home and off of bed rest. It cannot be avoided. I am taking it slow and have good shoes and inserts in place to protect my feet. I am looking forward to getting out and about, but I am also a little nervous about how I will feel after the day is over. I will still have a birthday party to run once I get back. I will keep you updated on the progress!

The wind is blowing today and for a moment when I awoke this morning I thought I was near the ocean. The wind sounded just like waves crashing against the shore. I am longing for the ocean. Colorado would be perfect if it had an ocean. Maybe I should get my shell collection out and put it in a prominent place, bringing a little of the ocean to me. Just leave the seagulls in Florida---I don't miss them.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thankfulness Journal

  I have been reading "One Thousand Gifts". It is a quirky book written in a very different writing style that is not easy to just pick up and read. You almost have to set time aside to read a little and then think about it, read a little more and then ponder some more. But in this book, the author challenges herself to make of list of 1000 things that she is thankful for; an ongoing list that she adds to each day, week, year. Before Thanksgiving, alot of us on Facebook took that challenge for the month of November. It was interesting to see what all of my friends came up with to be thankful for. Family, friends, spouses, health. Those were of course listed. But others wrote in about that particular pink cloud they had seen at sunrise or the steam on the mirror of their bathroom after a long, hot bath.

  Just recently in another blog I follow, the writer has given herself the challenge to cast aside negative thoughts as they come to her each day and make a concerted effort to think positively instead. Out with the negative--in with the positive. Sounds easy at first, but when you really start to analyze the typical day, I bet most of us could say that the negative thought patterns outweigh the positive ones. No examples are necessary I am sure.

  So in an attempt to see my world in a positive light all this month----maybe even till February---I will try to make my own list of things that I am thankful for each day. Feel free to add to this list as you see fit.

God's Love
Children that grow up and make you smile
Grandchildren that are squeezable, huggable and kissable
The cozy crocheted blanket on my bed that my very missed mother made for me
Warm socks
Authors who write something worth reading
Dinner made by a friend
Lady Earl Grey Tea in a sturdy china cup early in the morning before anyone else is awake
The feeling you get when you open your eyes first thing in the morning and you know it is going to be a wonderful day.
Christmas shopping in October
My chickens
My canary
A REAL letter from a dear friend that arrives in your REAL mailbox
Beautiful stationary
Wax seals with initials printed in them
Anything Victorian
Springtime bulbs
Listening to the ocean--anytime
The owl's hooting just outside my bedroom window
Dancing like a teenager even when I am not one
Singing along with Paul McCartney from the 2nd row
Yelling for that winning touchdown in overtime---Go Broncos
Hearing an old gospel song that brings tears to my eyes
Taking a deep breath and knowing that things are going to fine
Feet that work
Doctors that are smart
Movies that are worth the time it takes to watch them
Blogging sights where you can write and write and write

More later....

Thursday, January 12, 2012


  So this month has been a real change in lifestyle for me. I have been put on bed rest to let my injured feet heal from over use and very poor choices in shoes. This summer I was on my feet alot working a job I loved. Walking on concrete with Crocs is not a good combination for middle aged feet. As a direct result of this, both  feet were damaged. Now the healing process needs to include NO WALKING!!!

  At first all I could think of was how wonderful it would be to dive into that huge pile of books on the shelf that I never seemed to get a chance to read. Hour after luxurious hour would be spent lost in another persons words and worlds. And I have had the pleasure of doing just this. But after awhile, the old eyes get tired, the backside gets numb and the patient gets restless.

  So----as a change of pace, I picked up my paints and started to watercolor. Years ago I had a few lessons and discovered that I had no artistic talent, but that I still loved this art medium. So off I went on an art adventure. I have LOVED it! The bright colors, the smell of the paint, the texture of the paper were just what I needed to give a little spark to my bed rest!

  So half way through my bed rest vacation I have to say I am enjoying myself. Books are being consumed, paintings are being created  and my feet are healing! I am going to purchase sensible, feet nurturing shoes next week, and make sure I do my exercises like the doctor ordered. But the minute I am allowed to drive I am heading to the art store downtown. I think this bed rest may have sparked my interest in painting again. Let's just hope these new shoes can also give me some artistic talent....  one can always hope!