Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been my dad's birthday. He died when I was 29 from lung cancer. A smoker most of his life, it caught up to him while he was in his 60's. So sad.

My dad was so handsome~~~tall, dark hair~~~blue eyes.....a real good looking man. He worked at heavy construction building roads and bridges. He drove those huge machines that moved dirt and trees and rocks. He came home every night exhausted and dirty and hungry. He never went out at night and rarely went anyplace with out one of us along.

He was surrounded by females in the house---even the dog was a girl! But he was patient with us and kind and if he got enough of all of us he would retreat to his garage/workshop to listen to talk radio and fix things.

He never had any sons, so as I grew, since I was a tom boy, my dad got me things like race car tracks and basketballs. I will never forget the Saturday that he put the basketball hoop up on the garage door and taught me to shoot! He had a big smile on his face and I was in heaven.

He drove many miles during my high school years hauling me back and forth to play practice and speech team and competitions. He never grumbled or complained, even though now I know he must have been so tired by his heavy work all day and just wanted to sit in the TV room and watch Huntley and Brinkley.

He did not graduate high school, having to drop out after his own dad died, but my dad was one of the smartest men I knew. He read constantly---even taking books along with him to read during lunch break. He was up every morning by 4am with a pot of coffee and the newspaper, catching up on all the news from around the world. He could speak about any subject and was a master at many---like UFO's! I got my love a reading from my dad.....what a wonderful gift to give to your child.

I miss my dad today----I miss my dad every day. He was a wonderful , quiet guy who made a deep impression on this daughter of his. Love you dad.

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