Sunday, February 12, 2012

Book club

I belong to a book club that meets at my home once a month. It was started a few years back and has had many members come and go over the months that we have been meeting. Some took full time jobs and did not have the luxury of sipping tea and eating brownies and talking about literature and authors at 1:30 on a Friday afternoon.

Others left because of the choice of the books we were reading, or the discussions we had about "other things" during our meetings. (We tend to go off on many, many rabbit trails). Some gave no reason, but just stopped coming.

But now our group has a core of about 9 ladies that come regularly with some visitors thrown in each month. Let me tell you about this group!

WE have alot of fun. We laugh and eat and read together some pretty amazing---and some pretty awful books--[no titles mentioned but we know who you are]!

We talk about our kids and our families and our backgrounds. We share stories about things that have happened to us that month, or things from the past that have taught us a lesson or two. We talk about the authors, the conflicts, the heroes, the settings. We make plans to see the movies based on the books we just read. We are even kicking around a "field trip" to one of the countries we read about (Ladies...can we PLEASE read Under the Tuscan Sun?)

But most of all we can be ourselves in this group. No agendas. No judging. No lectures. No preaching. Just a group of great, strong women who have seen a thing or two in this life, and enjoy being with others who let them be themselves. We all walk away from our Friday meeting with a smile and a sigh that we are going to be ok. That we are accepted for who we are, and that someone loves me.

We also walk away happy when someone loves that great book just as much as we do---and kind of puzzled why anyone would think THAT book was any good! But that is the beauty of book club.

Love you book club ladies!


  1. I kind of think of book club as a dose of vitamins for my soul, my attitude, my heart, and my mind. Some weeks all my relating is done in 2-D, via the internet (which I'm thankful for, don't get me wrong!), but it is such a treasure to get together in 3-D!!

    Thank you, Lynn, for opening your home and your heart to us.
    Love you!

  2. You said it, Girl! This has been the best experience for me in a long time. A place where I have felt accepted and I could heal. I look forward to it every month. Thank you for having us and making us feel welcome every month. Really, you don't know what it has done for me.
    I vote we do Under the Tuscan Sun for May and then watch the movie!
