Naming this blog was the first important thing to do. Boring titles like "Musings from Lynn" or "Books, Tea and Me" were already being used . I wanted something catchy, but also something that said a little about me.
Those of you old enough to remember going to public school back in the 60's may remember the report cards they gave out in kindergarten. The standard "A, B, C , D and F grades were not introduced until grade school. The kindergarten class, however, was measured by "S" for Satisfactory "N" for Needs Improvement and "U" for Unsatisfactory.
Such skills as "Sharing", "Takes Her Turn" and "Nap Time" were all measured by this grading scale. They had a self control and safety column that had as one of its headings "Runs With Scissors". I got a "N" in this column more than once.
It wasn't like I was trying to be dangerous----I was just excited to be allowed to use a pair of scissors! At our home, my mom had a pair of silver sewing scissors with a dot of red fingernail polish applied to the handle. That dot was to remind you to NEVER, EVER use these scissors---EVER.
They were her revered sewing scissors only meant for cloth----no paper was to ever touch their lips. And boy would my mom know it if you did use them to cut out valentines from construction paper or to cut off the box top of a cereal box to send away for the cool prize Tony the Tiger was offering.
But temptation over took me a time or two~~~and did I catch it. Scissors were off limits in my house. PERIOD! So the morning the kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Boyle, said were were going to be cutting PAPER in class I could not control myself! We all took a turn walking up to her big oak desk and checking out our own pair of scissors! On my desk was a stack of colorful construction paper---and in my hand was the forbidden item---SCISSORS!
Of course I RAN back to my desk----she might change her mind and tell me that these scissors were not for cutting out hearts and flowers and shapes---and that I had to give them back! But she didn't. She kindly warned me NOT to run with scissors in my hand because I could fall and get hurt---seriously hurt!
And then when the report cards came later on that fall, there was the big "N" next to "Runs With Scissors"!
I still run with scissors. Not literally anymore----but throughout life. How fun would it have been to be cautious all the time and safe? If caution was my guide, I would have never gotten up on stage and played opposite a huge white rabbit named Harvey that no one could see. If playing it safe was my goal, then I bet I would not have been throw off the school bus for being too loud with my friends!
Riding on the back of a motorcycle with~~ a boy~~when I was 14 without my parents knowledge would not have been an options for the play- it- safe girl. Getting married at 18 to my high school sweetheart and staying with it for 34 years has been alot of work----but not safe.
24 children coming in and out of our lives these past 30 years is not a safe course to take. Fun. exciting, heartbreaking, dangerous---YES! SAFE---NO!
So I titled my blog "Runs with Scissors" to remind me of the not so safe path I have taken at times in my life---and to nudge me to "run" a little more while I still have time.
The Return of the Fireflies
1 year ago
What a "GREAT" blog title for you. Good job.....
ReplyDeleteI would never think of you as a "Safe Girl". I can remember many adventures that we have shared that where not "Safe" :-) But a lot of fun. Buying concert ticket from a scalper in the parking lot. Getting a tattoo in China Town at Dirty Harry's. I'm still waiting for you to get a tattoo!!! Your blog is great, thanks for writing and sharing......... TM